As the name suggests, a security agreement number (SAN) is an identification number assigned to a security agreement. The security agreement, in turn, is a legal contract between a borrower and a lender that outlines the terms and conditions of a loan. The purpose of a security agreement is to establish a lien on a specific asset or set of assets that can be used as collateral in the event the borrower defaults on the loan.

In simpler terms, a security agreement number is a unique identifier that represents a legal contract between a borrower and a lender. It plays a crucial role in keeping track of loans and the associated collateral.

Why Is a Security Agreement Number Important?

There are several reasons why a security agreement number is important. First and foremost, it helps to ensure that lenders have legal rights to certain assets in the event of a borrower default. By establishing a lien on specific assets, lenders can minimize their risk and protect their investment.

A security agreement number also helps lenders keep track of loans and their associated collateral. This is especially important for lenders who deal with a large volume of loans and need a reliable way to keep track of them all. The SAN acts as a unique identifier that can be used to quickly and easily locate and track a specific loan and associated collateral.

Finally, a security agreement number can also help borrowers. By establishing a clear and mutually agreed upon lien on specific assets, borrowers can often secure lower interest rates on loans. This is because lenders are willing to take on less risk when there is collateral that can be used to repay the loan in the event of a default.


In summary, a security agreement number is a unique identifier that represents a legal contract between a borrower and a lender. It plays a critical role in establishing liens on specific assets and helps lenders keep track of loans and their associated collateral. Whether you are a borrower or a lender, understanding the importance of a SAN is crucial when dealing with loans and collateral.